9 - Un verre de vin SVP - Dax

November 27, 2023 - Dax

Despite it having been a easy-paced work day, I'm feeling a night in for dinner instead of staying out with the AIGP engineers; it'll be a chance to mix things up.  What trip to France would be complete sans un verre de vin?  Of course, I'm sure several other countries would have a bone to pick over who has the best wine, so I won't be making such claims.  Instead, I'll rendre une visite au magasin qui s'appelle La Bouteille.  Contrary to the name, the place was filled with many bottles instead of just one!  

There was an impressive display of wines, I'm sure there was some method to how they were layed out but no method known to me 😆.  There was also a bar/section in the back where one could taste from a rotating selection (faire un dégustation).  Fortunately, the guys manning the cashier was super helpful.  I asked about local wines and he pointed me to two types: les vins de Irouléguy et de Madiran (ee-rule-ay-ghee et ma-day-rahn not to be confused with Madeira)

Good thing my friend forwarded a map!  Irouléguy and Madiran sont mes prochains arrêts.

I opted for the white irouléguy tonight, the guy had said not to chill it too long or else some of the more volatile components would be surpressed.  The wine is good - bright and clean, not too sweet nor dry.  I'm picking up notes of ...grapes?

And for dinner, I had un peu de pain and a small serving of foie gras I had picked up from Les Halles de Dax.  I've been told the Landes region is known in France for duck and duck products, like foie gras.  It was extremely smooth with a great duck flavor, hardly mineralic as I'd have expected of a liver paste.  The lady who sold it to me said that once opened it must be consumed within 48 hours; that's about 47.5 hours more than I need haha

And for my dessert, I had mini kiwis (apparently the Landes region grows some killer kiwis) and a bit of Saint Félicien cheese.  I thought the two paired very well: the kiwis were sweet and slightly tart while the cheese was soft, smooth, and creamy.  It wasn't exactly a fromage qui peu (literally a cheese who stinks) but I wrapped the leftover cheese up really well to store in the fridge.  And now I'll have this bonus ceramic ramekin (if the cheese smell washes out).  


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