61 - Rest & Recreation - Bayonne & Itxassou

Saturday, April 27 - Bayonne Today was a much-needed rest day. Despite sleeping without setting an alarm, I awoke around 9 AM with a stuffy nose and a soreness around my eyes. I pushed myself to sleep some more but ultimately made it out of bed before 10AM. The view from the window Thunderstorms made up much of the day's forecast so I intended to take it easy and enjoy the slower pace while in the city center. I took my time walking around the weekly market by Les Halles where I picked up some groceries: fresh asparagus, kiwis, strawberries (two varieties - maré bas and charlotte), un peu de pain, some pastries, and then in Les Halles I procured cheese and sliced donkey meat. The market was buzzing with people, though it thinned out periodically with the rain coming in waves. Asparagus and strawberries (les asperges et les fraises) were flying off the shelves! It's the seasonal harvest for these two so everything was real fresh. Insi...